Safe Sedatives for Dogs: Natural vs. Prescription

In a recent study, 70% of the dogs involved showed signs of anxiety. Anxiety in dogs is common and can present itself as bad behavior, panting, barking, self-harm, pacing, shivering, and more. As pet owners, many of us would go to any length to make sure our furry friends are happy.

Beyond anxiety, there are many other reasons you may be interested in safe sedatives for dogs and cats. Sedatives can be a helpful treatment when traveling including flying and road trips. They can also aide in trips to the vet, nail cutting, grooming, and anything that might induce stress in your animal.

There are several options when it comes to sedatives but you must find the best fit for your four-legged family member. You may also want to discuss options with your veterinarian before taking the plunge. Here are some great options to bring up during the next visit.

Safe Sedatives for Dogs: Prescription

Some of the first options that might come to mind are prescription medications. As we have all taken notice before from prescription drug commercials, there are side effects when it comes to these methods. This is no different for our pets when taking medications.

The most popular sedation drugs are Trazodone, Gabapentin, and Acepromazine.

1. Trazodone is a serotonin receptor antagonist and reuptake inhibitor. It is commonly used to manage anxiety disorders and for anxious veterinary patients. This drug has been known to further complicate problems with animals who experience heart issues and seizures.

2. Gabapentin has been used to treat seizures, reduce anxiety, and manage chronic pain. The sedative effects of this drug have been known to last for days after usage and can cause issues with the liver and the critically ill.

3. Acepromazine is commonly used to treat anxiety but its sedative effects can be unreliable and inconsistent. Issues arising from this drug are associated with cardiovascular disease, liver failure, kidney disease, pediatrics, and geriatrics. 

You have likely heard of the other most popular drugs. They are often used to treat humans and consist of Xanax, Valium, Prozac, Paxil, and Lorazepam. 

The biggest issues with prescription medications are the side effects and most of the time the damage has been done before anything is noticed. It also takes weeks sometimes for any change in behavior.

Safe Sedatives for Dogs: Natural

Due to the numerous side effects of prescription medication, many pet owners have been opting for natural solutions to treat anxiety, aide in traveling, calm hyper animals, and so on.

1. CBD has been attributed to treating many things. Studies are still ongoing to see the full extent of what this oil is capable of. In humans, CBD oil has been found to alleviate anxiety, insomnia, cancer related-symptoms, hair loss, pain, and inflammation. This oil even promotes joint health and a good digestive tract.

These effects translate the same for our animals. While neither humans nor animals will be walking around high, they will likely be walking around feeling much better. On top of all those benefits, there are little to no side effects.

2. Herbal remedies are St. John’s Wort, Chamomile, and Valerian. These can be made into teas, capsules, or added to your animal’s food or water. It’s important to get your dosages correct.

3. Bach flower essences are great because they are all-natural and can’t be overdosed. These essences can be used individually or customized into baches to target your dog or cat’s specific needs.

4. Essential oils have picked up popularity with humans but they can be potent. Diffusing certain essential oils can help alleviate stress but you should always make sure that they have access to fresh air if need be. You should not add essential oils to your animal’s water or food.

CBD for Dogs: Why it's Exploding

Out of all the natural remedies, there is no doubt that CBD oil for dogs and cats has taken off. It has become one of the most popular ways to substitute for prescription medications.

CBD is one of the safest sedatives for dogs and cats and boasts a long list of benefits with little negatives. The all-natural aspect of CBD gives its human users and pet caretakers peace of mind. It allows for avoiding the harsh chemicals present in other options.

Dosages have flexibility, allowing the owner to choose how much of this safe sedative to use and when. One of the best attributes of using CBD is that it works almost instantly for situational anxieties.

Although there is some flexibility in dosage with CBD oil, it’s important to follow guidelines set by professionals. CBD oil is dosed depending on the size or weight of your animal. 

The dosage calculator is vet created and approved to make sure that you are giving the appropriate amount. Depending on how extreme the case, dosage amounts may vary to get the appropriate results.

This method allows the treatment of multiple different ailments with little to no side effects. Humans and pets can take CBD as a supplement to their health routine.

The Entourage Effect: CBD for Dogs and Cats

An important aspect of CBD and THC is “the entourage effect” which describes the balancing effect of the naturally occurring components in cannabis sativa.

Each of these components offers several benefits and work better when they are together. For example, element A might relieve pain but when used in addition to element B, it enhances the relief.

Another great example of this balancing act is that element A stimulates appetite and element B reduces nausea. This means, if you’re feeling sick you can make a quicker recovery because the elements are working together to deliver multiple benefits that work together.

This will allow for the best possible outcome and effect when using CBD, offering several benefits such as reduced pain, seizures, nausea, blood sugar, inflammation, anxiety, and more.

The Best Choice for Your Best Friend

After checking out these safe sedatives for dogs and cats, you have the tools to make an informed decision about what is the best option for your pet. As always, it’s important to discuss any decisions with your pet’s care provider.

You can always contact us for any support or questions.

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